Spatial Imageries in Historical Perspective
François de Nomé, Intérieur de l’église Santa Maria della Grazie Maggiore, Caponapoli, Naples, 1619
Image from
Series editors

Dominique Bauer, University of Leuven, Belgium

Geographical Scope
Europe - United States - other regions to the extent they were/are confronted with/ influenced by Western culture (e.g. colonial empires, cultural appropriation, exoticism, orientalism etc.)
Chronological Scope
Early Middle Ages - Recent Past
Spatial imageries; spatial turn; literary studies; cultural studies; space and place; typology of spaces; space and context; philosophy of space; visual studies; cultural history

Spatial Imageries in Historical Perspective

This new series is looking for interdisciplinary contributions that focus on the historical study of the imagined space, or of spaces and places as sensorial, experiential or intellectual images, from the interior to the landscape, in written, visual or material sources. From (closed) gar-dens and parks to cabinets, from the odd room to the train compartment, from the façade to the prison cell, from the reliquary to the desk, a variety of spaces in the shape of imageries and images unveils historical attitudes to history, to the object, to the other and the self and presents a subject that experiences, acts, imagines and knows. Spatial imageries and images in this sense constitute a prominent theme in various fields within the Humanities, from museum studies, intellectual history and literature to material culture studies, to name but a few.

This series therefore addresses a broad audience of scholars that engage in the historical study of space in this sense, from the Early Middle Ages to the Recent Past in literature, art, in material culture, in scholarly and other discourses, from either cultural and contextual or more theoretical angles.