
AUP's publications appear in both print and digital format. Individuals may purchase eBooks through our website and institutional customers can purchase eBooks through our partner eBook vendors.

Individual website purchases

Customers can purchase eBooks directly through this website. In order to download an eBook, you must install Adobe Digital Editions: www.adobe.com/nl/solutions/ebook/digital-editions/download.html.

Using Adobe Digital Editions

To access your eBooks with Adobe Digital Editions, take the following steps:

  1. Install the Adobe Digital Editions app.
  2. Log in with your Adobe ID. If you don't have this yet, you can create it in the app.
  3. Click on the download link you received from AUP by email. You will then receive a license in the form of an .acsm file.
  4. Adobe Digital Editions will verify your license and then download the eBook in ePub or PDF format.
  5. You can now start reading.

Institutional purchases

Institutional customers can purchase academic eBooks through our partner eBook vendors and aggregators. Important e-platform partners include:

Educational eBooks can be rented, purchased our licensed through VitalSource. VitalSource Explore makes it possible to arrange a multi-user license for your institute.