Vitality And Dynamism
Vitality And Dynamism
Interstitial Dialogues of Language, Politics, and Religion in Morocco's Literary Tradition
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Aantal pagina's
15.6 x 23.4 cm
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Paperback - € 42,00
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Introduction. The Vitality of Tradition
By Kirstin Ruth Bratt
Chapter 1. How the West Was Won: The Arab Conqueror and the Serene Amazigh in Driss Chraïbi’s La Mère du printemps
By Ziad Bentahar
Chapter 2. Cultural Encounter in Moroccan Postcolonial Literature of English Expression
By Mohamed Elkouche
Chapter 3. Intersections: Amazigh (Berber) Literary Space
By Daniela Merolla
Chapter 4. Writing in the Feminine: The Emerging Voices of Francophone Moroccan Women Writers
By Touria Khannous
Chapter 5. Tactile Labyrinths and Sacred Interiors: Spatial Practices and Political Choices in Abdelmajid Ben Jalloun’s Fí al-Tufúla and Ahmed Sefrioui’s La boîte à merveilles
By Ian Campbell
Chapter 6. Monstrous Offspring: Disturbing Bodies in Feminine Moroccan Francophone
By Naima Hachad
Chapter 7. Hegemonic Discourse in Orientalists’ Translations of Moroccan Culture
By Naima El Maghnougi
Chapter 8. The Countercultural, Liberal Voice of Moroccan Mohamed Choukri and Its Affinities
with the American Beats
By Anouar El Younssi
Chapter 9. Khatibi: A Sociologist in Literature
By Sam Cherribi & Matthew Pesce
Chapter 10. Emigration and Quest for Identity in Laila Lalami’s Hope & Other Dangerous Pursuits, Akbib’s ‘The Lost Generation,’ and Fandi’s Alien … Arab … and Maybe Illegal in America
By Ilham Boutob
About the Authors

Vitality And Dynamism

Interstitial Dialogues of Language, Politics, and Religion in Morocco's Literary Tradition

De onderstaande tekst is niet beschikbaar in het Nederlands en wordt in het Engels weergegeven.
"Anti-colonial literature is not necessarily ‘combat literature’ as Fanon and Déjeux have both suggested in their own writings. While it is often combative, there is also anti-colonial literature that emphasizes the human and the humane rather than the oppositional and contentious; it cannot be fair to label all anti-colonial literature as combative, even if one were to expand the definition of “combat” to include peaceful struggles against oppression or dehumanization. This book suggests that the relationship between the West and the rest of the world has been imagined as a relationship of Self (the West) to Other (the rest of the world), ordered and bordered geographically by the whims of Europeans and creating a Center-Periphery paradigm. These invented boundaries of humanity serve to separate geographical sites, but more, they serve to enclose the Empire and exoticize other cultures. Boundaries are often spatial, but more often, they are related to relationships and colonialization."
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Kirstin Bratt

Kirstin Ruth Bratt is a professor of English, English pedagogy, and developmental studies at Saint Cloud State University.

Youness Elbousty

Youness M. Elbousty is a professor of Arabic Language and Literature at the Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations department at Yale University.

Devin Stewart

Devin J. Stewart is a professor of Arabic and Islamic Studies at Emory.