Northern Light
Northern Light
Norway Past and Present
€ 39,99
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Aantal pagina's
14.6 x 22.2 cm
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Chapter 1: Look to Norway
Chapter 2: Suddenly, the Country was Lost
Chapter 3: But Slowly, the Country was Ours Again
Chapter 4: Independence and Neutrality
Chapter 5: The German Occupation
Chapter 6: Political Parties
Chapter 7: Before and After Ibsen
Chapter 8: The Other Arts
Chapter 9: The Nobel Peace Prize
Chapter 10: Defence in Nato
Chapter 11: The Eternal Half European
Chapter 12: The Sea
Chapter 13: Bordering the Bear
Chapter 14: Self Image and Reality

Nils-Johan Jørgensen

Northern Light

Norway Past and Present

De onderstaande tekst is niet beschikbaar in het Nederlands en wordt in het Engels weergegeven.
Here is a new, challenging appraisal of Norway, the author’s country of birth, that redefines its history, culture and heritage – ‘after Ibsen’ – and looks, with a degree of ominous foreboding, at its future and the future of Europe. Ex-diplomat and widely published author Jørgensen explores an array of topics, from Norway’s Viking past, its pursuit of independence, the German occupation, its politics and cultural heritage , the defence of NATO, the relationship with Europe, and the challenge of Russia, concluding with ‘self-image and reality’. In Northern Light, the author challenges many existing perceptions and stereotypes, making this an essential reference for anyone interested in Norway and its people, international affairs, European history and its cultural legacy.
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Nils-Johan Jørgensen

Ambassador Nils-Johan Jørgensen was educated at the universities of Oslo and Oxford (Norway Scholar at Wadham) and was Research Fellow at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI). As a Norwegian career diplomat he served in Brussels, Copenhagen, Harare, Tokyo, Bonn and Dar es Salaam. He retired in 2001. He is the author of books and articles on European integration, international development, Southern Africa and Germany and Japan, including Norge mot Europa? (Norway towards/against Europe?), Copenhagen, 1981, Nytt liv bak taken (A new life behind the haze in Zimbabwe), Oslo, 1989, and Japan og Tyskland. Gjenvinning og makt (Japan and Germany. Restoration and Power), Oslo, 1997. He is also author of Culture and Power in Germany and Japan: The Spirit of Renewal, Global Oriental, 2006.