Knowledge Unlatched select 12 books from AUP for Open Access!

KU offers free access to scholarly content for every reader across the world and their online platform provides libraries worldwide with a central place to support OA models from leading publishing houses and new OA initiatives.
AUP were recognised by KU as an Open Access Hero 2018 as one of the top ten most downloaded publishers from 2017.
As a result of this year's selection, the following titles are now available to freely download:
Accelerators in Silicon Valley: Building Successful Startups, Ester, Peter Download book
Fanfiction and the Author: How Fanfic Changes Popular Cultural Texts, Fathallah, Judith Download book
Homer, Troy and the Turks: Heritage and Identity in the Late Ottoman Empire, 1870-1915, Uslu, Günay Download book
Japanese Reflections on World War II and the American Occupation, Porter, Edgar A.; Porter, Ran Ying Download book
Microfoundations of the Arab Uprisings: Mapping Interactions between Regimes and Protesters, Volpi, Frederic; Jasper, James M. Download book
Orchestrating Public Opinion: How Music Persuades in Television Political Ads for US Presidential Campaigns, 1952-2016, Christiansen, Paul Download book
Unpopular Culture, Luthe, Martin; Pohlmann, Sascha Download book
Urban Memory and Visual Culture in Berlin: Framing the Asynchronous City, 1957-2012, Ward, Simon Download book
World Building: Transmedia, Fans, Industries, Boni, Marta Download book
The Dutch and English East India Companies: Diplomacy, Trade and Violence in Early Modern Asia, Clulow, Adam; Mostert, Tristan Download book
The Youth of Early Modern Women, Cohen, Elizabeth; Reeves, Margaret Download book
- The Uncanny Child in Transnational Cinema: Ghosts of Futurity at the Turn of the Twenty-first Century, Balanzategui, Jessica Download book