Héloïse Nez

Héloïse Nez (PhD in Sociology, Université de Paris 8/Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona) is Assistant Professor (Maître de conferences) of Sociology at the Université de Tours (France), Researcher in the UMR CITERES (Cities, Territories, Environment and Societies) and Associate Researcher in the Center for the Study of Social Movements in Paris (CEMS-EHESS). The main topics of her research are social movements, participatory democracy, and citizen competence Among her last publications: Savoirs citoyens et démocratie urbaine (ed. with A. Deboulet), Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2013; "The struggle for a voice: associations versus citizens in participatory budgeting" (with E. Ganuza and E. Morales), International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, published online (Early View) in 2013; "Délibérer au sein d'un mouvement social. Ethnographie des assemblées des Indignés à Madrid", Participations, 3, 2012, 79-101.
