Battlefields of Negotiation
Battlefields of Negotiation
Control, Agency, and Ownership in World of Warcraft
eBook PDF
Aantal pagina's
15.6 x 23.4 cm
Toon inhoudsopgaveVerberg inhoudsopgave
PART I: FRAMING THE GAME 1. The Definition Game Tracing the MMORPG genre’s roots 2. The Many Faces of Play Ludic vs. Representational role-playing Problematizing Social Play 3. The Contracts of Play Playing on a License 4. Play and/as Participation Participation as Exploitation? 5. Battlefields of Negotiation PART II: CONTROLLING THE GAME 6. The Setup of Play Network Play Playing Machines Configuring Play 7. The rules of play Designing Play Designing cooperation Facing the other 8. Playing with fiction Representing Azeroth The space of play Stuck in time PART III: GAMING THE GAME 9. It’s about time Paratexts as cheating tools From emergence to progression Hyperproductive demystification 10. Twinking, or playing another game The luxury of twinking Going for the easy kill A game within a game 11. Playing the interface Mods as social surveillance tools Controlling code through theorycrafting Exposing the inside PART IV: CLAIMING THE GAME 12. Virtual thievery Play, work or crime The power of small print Part of the game? 13. Performing on the edge of rules and fiction Our story, your story Looking the other way. Exploration or Exploitation 14. The fragmented and the multiple Community control, controlling community With great power comes great responsibility Playing identity and community CONCLUSION BIBLIOGRAPHY

Recensies en Artikelen

"In this volume, a multi-year study of a globally bestselling MMOG, Glas offers us detailed descriptions and theoretically informed analysis of the relationships between players and developers of World of Warcraft.
Many game studies scholars have argued for the importance of understanding the contexts of gameplay such as platforms and paratexts, but Glas goes further, showing us how players’ exploitation of those parameters affords as well as limits their desires for control and agency in WoW. He also argues that their actions ultimately shape how they understand the game, its fiction and their relationships with other players.
This book is required reading for anyone interested in online games, virtual worlds and deviant play." -- Mia Consalvo, Canada Research Chair in Game Studies & Design, Concordia University

René Glas

Battlefields of Negotiation

Control, Agency, and Ownership in World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft is één van de meest populaire computergames van het afgelopen decennium. Het spel liet miljoenen spelers kennismaken met het gemeenschappelijk online spelen van computerspellen. Het spel is zo ontworpen dat het, binnen zekere grenzen, spelers uitnodigt en uitdaagt zich de virtuele wereld toe te eigenen. Het resultaat is dat spelers zeer divers spelgedrag vertonen en op heel verschillende manieren deelnemen.

Deze studie naar World of Warcraft benadert het spel als een complex socio-cultureel fenomeen, dat wordt gedefinieerd door en zich evolueert als gevolg van onderhandelingen tussen spelersgroepen en makers. Het laat de complexe consument-producentrelatie zien bij dit type online games, die in toenemende mate participatie van de spelers toestaan, maar waarin de spelers tegelijkertijd sterk beteugeld worden.

René Glas

René Glas is universitair docent nieuwe media en digitale cultuur aan de Universiteit Utrecht.