The Handbook of Privacy Studies
The Handbook of Privacy Studies
An Interdisciplinary Introduction
€ 31,99
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15.6 x 23.4 x 2.8 cm
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Introduction - Bart van der Sloot & Aviva de Groot
Chapter I Privacy from a Historical Perspective - Sjoerd Keulen & Ronald Kroeze
Snippet I Legislating Privacy: Technology, Social Values, and Public Policy - Priscilla Regan
Chapter II Privacy from a Legal Perspective - Bart van der Sloot
Snippet II Three Dimensions of Privacy - Beate Roessler
Chapter III Privacy from an Ethical Perspective - Marijn Sax
Snippet III Nudging: A Very Short Guide - Cass R. Sunstein
Chapter IV Privacy from an Economic Perspective - Edo Roos Lindgreen
Snippet IV Security, Privacy, and the Internet of Things - Mikko Hypponen
Chapter V Privacy from an Informatics Perspective - Matthijs Koot & Cees de Laat
Snippet V Political Science and Privacy - Charles Raab
Chapter VI Privacy from an Intelligence Perspective - Willemijn Aerdts & Giliam de Valk
Snippet VI A privacy Doctrine for the Cyber Age - Amitai Etzioni
Chapter VII Privacy from an Archival Perspective - Tjeerd Schiphof
Snippet VII Medical Privacy: Where Deontology and Consequentialism Meet - Robin Pierce
Chapter VIII Privacy from a Medical Perspective - Wouter Koelewijn
Snippet VIII Privacy Law: on the Books and on the Ground - Kenneth A. Bamberger & Deirdre K. Mulligan
Chapter IX Privacy from a Media Studies Perspective - Jo Pierson & Ine Van Zeeland
Snippet IX Diversity and Accountability in Data-Rich Market - Viktor Mayer-Schönberger
Chapter X Privacy from a Communication Science Perspective - Sandra Petronio
Snippet X Still Uneasy: a Life with Privacy - Anita LaFrance Allen
Chapter XI Privacy from an Anthropological Perspective - Sjaak van der Geest

Recensies en Artikelen

This new handbook represents an impressive attempt to summarise encyclopaedically the state of the art of relevant legal and social science knowledge on privacy in general. For a topic that is subject to constant mutations from intermittent technological change, and where cultural differences lead to dissimilar rules, perceptions and practices in different jurisdictions and different cultural communities, this is a tall order. The editors deserve credit and praise for having undertaken this unparalleled task - in a hardcopy publication on top of that. (...) The impressive breadth of this project makes it stand out; indeed, there seems to be no direct competition on the book market. - dr. J. Kornbeck, Journal of Data Protection & Privacy

Bart van der Sloot, Aviva de Groot (red.)

The Handbook of Privacy Studies

An Interdisciplinary Introduction

De onderstaande tekst is niet beschikbaar in het Nederlands en wordt in het Engels weergegeven.
The Handbook of Privacy Studies is the first book in the world that brings together several disciplinary perspectives on privacy, such as the legal, ethical, medical, informatics and anthropological perspective.

Privacy is in the news almost every day: mass surveillance by intelligence agencies, the use of social media data for commercial profit and political microtargeting, password hacks and identity theft, new data protection regimes, questionable reuse of medical data, and concerns about how algorithms shape the way we think and decide. This book offers interdisciplinary background information about these developments and explains how to understand and properly evaluate them.

The book is set up for use in interdisciplinary educational programmes. Each chapter provides a structured analysis of the role of privacy within that discipline, its characteristics, themes and debates, as well as current challenges. Disciplinary approaches are presented in such a way that students and researchers from every scientific background can follow the argumentation and enrich their own understanding of privacy issues.

Bart van der Sloot

Bart van der Sloot specialiseert zich op het gebied van Privacy en Big Data. Ook publiceert hij regelmatig over de aansprakelijkheid van internet intermediairs, gegevensbescherming en internetregulering. Bart van der Sloot is de general editor van de European Data Protection Law Review en de directeur van het Privacy & Identity Lab.

Aviva de Groot

Aviva de Groot is a PhD researcher at the Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society. After her Information Laws master thesis on social robots, her current project aims to identify explanatory bench-marks and modalities for providing rights relevant understanding of data driven technologies and their applications to laymen users. With privacy at the core, her interests more broadly concern humans and technology, their mutual shaping and how this efffects our understanding of human rights protections. She has professional and research experience in fields where technology supports human interaction and where humans interact with machines.

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