Affect in Fandom
Affect in Fandom
Fan Creators and Productivity
€ 129,00 excl. BTW
Aantal pagina's
15.6 x 23.4 cm
Toon inhoudsopgaveVerberg inhoudsopgave
Part 1: Literary Production
1. Dominika Ciesielska – Fanfiction: Canon and Character-building in Alternate Universes
2. Elizaveta Kasilova – Reinterpreting Archetypes in Russian Harry Potter Fanfiction
3. Peng Qiao – Fans and Their Utterances in the Communications Circuit of Chinese Internet Literature
Part 2: Characters and Play
4. Nicolle Lamerichs – Sustainable Fandom: A Virtual Ethnography of Sustainable Cosplay and Material Culture on Instagram
5. Joleen Blom – The Turmoil of Dating Game Characters: False Promises of Agency in Genshin Impact
6. Agata Zarzycka – Consumable Heroes: Fanfiction and Biopolitics
Part 3: Affect and Time
7. Ross Garner – Curating Popular Dinosaur Ephemera: Reflections on the “Aca-Fan Archivist” and Sub/cultural Capital
8. Matt Hills – Fan Temporalities in/of the Archive: Tenet and Timescapes of “Fast Fandom” among Christopher Nolan Fans
9. Melanie Bourdaa – Archives, Preservation and Database: Creating the Cultural Memory of Fandom
10. Agnieszka Urbanczyk – Crossing the Divide: Shitposting as a Mode of Fan Production
Part 4: History and Romance
11. Aldona Kobus – In Defence of Popular Culture: Affect and Engagement in Jane Austen’s Northanger Abbey
12. Madeleine Span – Fanning the Popular Romance Genre: Readers as Fans on the Contemporary Book Market
13. Micha. Mochocki – Historical Settings as Transmedia Storyworlds
Abstracts, keywords and authors’ bios

Affect in Fandom

Fan Creators and Productivity

De onderstaande tekst is niet beschikbaar in het Nederlands en wordt in het Engels weergegeven.
This book provides a timely discussion of the creative practices in fandom and media culture. Within their participatory cultures, fans produce a wealth of content, data and materials. They write fan fiction, curate wikis and design costumes. This international collection offers a diverse exploration of contemporary fan practices through different cases, such as Yuri!!! On ICE, Harry Potter and Mass Effect.

This book reveals how expression, emotion and agency are central to fan activity. Fans are highly adept at transmedia, as well as the critical use of different media and platforms. Fandom can apply to wider concepts within new media, the humanities and design, as the authors in this collection show. They also rely on different approaches, ranging from textual analysis to different forms of ethnography. Overall, Affect in Fandom offers a deliberately diverse exploration of exactly what contemporary fans create and curate, and how.

Dominika Ciesielska

Dominika Ciesielska (PhD) is affiliated to the Jagiellonian University in Krakow (Poland). Her academic interests lie within fan culture, and her research focuses on fanfiction and fannish affect. She is the author of papers on queering fanfiction, fan writing as a myth-making practice, and the retelling of space.

Nicolle Lamerichs

Nicolle Lamerichs is Hogeschoolhoofddocent in Creative Business aan Hogeschool Utrecht. Ze is gespecialiseerd in mediacultuur en fan studies en onderzoeker op het gebied van media en fanculturen. Eerder schreef ze Productive Fandom: Intermediality and Affective Reception in Fan Cultures.

Agata Zarzycka

Agata Zarzycka (PhD) is an assistant professor at the University of (Poland). Her interests include game studies, biopolitics, and identity. She has published two monographs: Socialized Fiction: Role-playing Games as a Multidimensional Space of Interaction between Literary Theory and Practice (2009) and A Goth Reflection: Self-fashioning and Popular Culture (2019).