Televisual Culture
By Martin Howard [CC BY 2.0 ( or CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons; Close-up of an analog television screen, displaying the trichromatic composition of the image.
Series editors

Sudeep Dasgupta, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Joke Hermes, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Misha Kavka, University of Amsterdam
Jaap Kooijman, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Markus Stauff, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Geographical Scope
Chronological Scope
19th to 21st centuries
Television; Crossmedia

Televisual Culture

De onderstaande tekst is niet beschikbaar in het Nederlands en wordt in het Engels weergegeven.

The 'televisual' names a media culture generally in which television's multiple dimensions have shaped and continue to alter the coordinates through which we understand, theorise, intervene, and challenge contemporary media culture. Televisual culture is a culture, which both encompasses and crosses all aspects of television from its experiential dimensions to its aesthetic strategies, from its technological developments to its crossmedial consequences.

Concepts like liveness, media event, audiences, broadcasting need recasting as problematics around which the televisual will get interrogated within a dynamic media landscape. Rather than accept the narrative of television's obsolescence, the series aims at seriously analysing both the contemporary specificity of the televisual and the challenges thrown up by new developments in technology and theory in an age where digitalisation and convergence are redrawing the boundaries of media.