May '68
May '68
Shaping Political Generations
Vicki Whittaker
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Aantal pagina's
15.6 x 23.4 cm
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Hardback - € 146,00
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Table of contents List of acronyms and political organisations List of documents Introduction The autobiographical origins of my study Partially unsatisfying representations of May '68 The biographical consequences of activism in May '68 History of the study Chapter 1 / The roots of participation in May '68 The matrixes of participation in May '68 Politics and religion: a family affair The transformations of conditions for students and women Conclusion Chapter 2: Shaping the event: Socialisation effects and registers of participation May '68: the same event for everyone? How did the event influence the participants? Conclusion Chapter 3/ The long-term consequences of May '68 The social space of '68ers' destinies Generational impact forty years later Chapter 4/ Working to avoid social reproduction Students in factories and workers in universities: inversed trajectories Activism through popular education Conclusion - activism and social mobility 1 Chapter 5/ Changing one's life to change the world? The politicisation of the private sphere Politicising the private sphere Anne: remaining faithful to the break Conclusion Chapter 6/ Micro-units of Generation '68 Social conditions for the identification with "generation '68" What became of the '68ers: a range of futures Conclusion Chapter 7 / A ricochet effect on the next generation? Strong family political transmission Different inheritors, different profiles Transmission of activism: intergenerational (dis)continuities? Conclusion Conclusion/ The Event: a frame for political resocialisation Bibliography Appendix 1. List of interviews conducted with the ex-'68ers cited Appendix 2. List of interviews conducted with the "children of ex-'68ers" cited Appendix 3. Micro-generational units of May '68 Notes

Julie Pagis

May '68

Shaping Political Generations

De onderstaande tekst is niet beschikbaar in het Nederlands en wordt in het Engels weergegeven.
Much as in other locations around the world, civil uprising, particularly rooted in the activism of young people and students, plagued France during May of 1968. Massive strikes and occupations succeeded in paralysing France’s economy and bringing the country to the verge of a leftist revolution. This book studies the life trajectories of many ordinary protesters during the period, using statistics and personal narratives to analyse how this activism arose, its impact on people’s personal and professional lives, and its transmission through familial generations.

Julie Pagis

Julie Pagis is a researcher in political sociology at the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), member of the Institute for Interdisciplinary Research on Social Issues (IRIS, EHESS, Paris). Her research on the biographical consequences of activism in May’68 led to the publication of her PhD: Mai 68, un pavé dans leur histoire (Presses de Sciences Po, 2014). She devotes another part of her research to children perceptions of the social and political order, and recently published, with Wilfried Lignier, L’enfance de l’ordre. Comment les enfants perçoivent le monde social (Seuil, 2017).