Amsterdam University Press (AUP) heeft jarenlange ervaring met publiceren in open access. Een vijfde van onze boeken is verschenen als open access-publicatie, net als het grootste deel van onze tijdschriften, sommige direct, andere na het verstrijken van een bepaalde periode.
We aim to make Open Access publishing available to as many researchers as possible. As one of the founding partners of OAPEN, we now provide many options for publishing books and journals in Open Access.
Our books and journals are published on state-of-the-art platforms and distributed globally:
How do funders, authors and readers enjoy the benefits of Open Access usage for scholarly publications? What does OA contribute to future research and publishing ecologies in the Humanities and Social Sciences?
Download the AUP Open Access Factsheet for more information about OA publishing at AUP and the life-cycle of OA.