Amsterdam University Press Partners with ScienceOpen

Press Release, Amsterdam, May 5, 2021
By partnering with ScienceOpen, Amsterdam University Press (AUP) can now dedicate more of its focus to the editing aspects of publishing — leaving the technical responsibilities to ScienceOpen’s Metadata Technical Hub. For example, ScienceOpen has provided expert technical support to AUP with the generation of rich, machine-readable metadata and assigning and depositing Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) to Crossref. ScienceOpen has also provided unique landing pages for all book chapters that link back to the full book version on the AUP website to make chapter-level DOIs.
Stephanie Dawson, CEO of ScienceOpen says,
“Working with Amsterdam University Press has been a pleasure and our technical team continues to learn how we can best serve academic book publishers. Many university presses face the challenge of expanding their websites to accommodate individual book chapters. We were able to create a flexible solution for AUP book chapter DOIs that we believe will be useful for other presses.”
AUP publishes high-quality, peer-reviewed academic books in English, textbooks for universities and higher education, journals, and major reference works. All publications are evaluated by an international editorial board of appointed experts and are subject to a full external peer-review. To start exploring AUP book content, see the new Amsterdam University Press Books Collection on ScienceOpen. Listed below are popular works in AUP’s main subjects: History, Film, Media & Communication and Asian Studies:
- Digital Media Practices in Households
- Exceptional Bodies in Early Modern Culture
- Islam in a Secular State
AUP’s Sales and Marketing Director Vanessa de Bueger says,
“We are delighted to be working with ScienceOpen in a partnership that will further our mission to spread knowledge swiftly and effectively in the academic market. Now that our chapter-level content is disseminated and displayed by ScienceOpen, the discoverability of our books will be enhanced. This service is important both to AUP, as a publisher, and researchers. Additionally, our many open access books will now benefit from extra visibility on ScienceOpen, complementing our existing line-up of open access partner platforms.”
About ScienceOpen
From promotional collections to full publishing capabilities, ScienceOpen provides a wide range of services to academic publishers, researchers, and users in an interactive discovery platform. ScienceOpen was founded in 2013 in Berlin and Boston by Alexander Grossmann and Tibor Tscheke to propel academic communication towards open access models.
Stephanie Dawson, CEO @Science_Open. Email:
About Amsterdam University Press
Amsterdam University Press (AUP) is a leading publisher of academic books, journals and textbooks in the Humanities and Social Sciences. AUP specialises in the subjects Asian Studies, Film, Media and Communication, History, Language and Literature, and Social and Political Sciences. For more information on AUP’s policies and programmes, go here.
Vanessa de Bueger, Sales and Marketing Director, Amsterdam University Press. Email:
academic publishing, book publishing, humanities and social sciences, open access, metadata