Marije Osnabrugge wins annual research award of the Werkgroep Italië Studies

The Werkgroep Italië Studies annually awards a prize for the best scholarly publication in the field of Italian Studies to a researcher working in the Dutch or Flemish academic world. The winner of this year's award is Marije Osnabrugge.
Marije Osnabrugge wins annual research award of the Werkgroep Italië Studies
Cover image from The Neapolitan Lives and Careers of Netherlandish Immigrant Painters (1575-1655). Louis Finson, The Four Elements, 1611, oil on canvas (179 × 170 cm).
Houston, Sarah Campbell Blafffer Foundation.

Nominations for this year's Werkgroep Italië Studies Research Prize were opened for a publication in the field of art history and archeology. Marije Osnabrugge's book The Neapolitan Lives and Careers of Netherlandish Immigrant Painters (1575-1655) was selected amongst all nominated publications published between 2018 and 2020.

The prize is sponsored by the Italiaans Cultureel Instituut and includes a certificate and a research grant. Amsterdam University Press congratulates Marije Osnabrugge on this fantastic achievement.

About the book

The seventeenth century was a time of exceptional mobility for Netherlandish artists. This mobility had a profound impact on artistic developments, stimulating innovation and creativity in the Netherlands as well as abroad. Whereas most artists undertook a relatively short study trip, others decided to settle down and shape their life in a new environment. This study traces the integration process — as artists and as migrants in general — of Aert Mytens, Louis Finson, Abraham Vinck, Hendrick De Somer and Matthias Stom in Naples between 1575 and 1655. Departing from the idea that the experience of every migrant is specific to their background and skills, The Neapolitan Lives and Careers of Netherlandish Immigrant Painters (1575-1655) examines the challenges each of these five artists faced, the choices they made and the opportunities they grasped. The dynamics of art and society in Naples, the bustling capital of the Spanish viceroyalty, forms the context for their lives and careers.

Table of contents and introduction PDF

Download the table of contents and introductory chapter of this book here.

Thursday, October 14th, 2021