Reading Etty Hillesum in Context: Book Presentation

The diaries and letters of Etty Hillesum (1914–1943) have a special place among the Jewish-Dutch testimonies of the Shoah, so much so that Etty Hillesum studies has become its own field. This book offers the most important contributions from the past fifteen years of international research into Hillesum’s work and life, studying her ethical, philosophical, spiritual, and literary existential search.
Amsterdam University Press Director Jan-Peter Wissink opened the presentation, congratulating volume editors Klaas Smelik, Gerrit Van Oord, and Jurjen Wiersma. Prof. dr. Klaas A.D. Smelik, director of the Etty Hillesum Research Centre, offered his introduction to the book, which was followed by Lotte Bergen speaking on Etty Hillesum and her interpretation of the Jewish fate. A beautiful performance on the cello was given by Jeroen van Meyel at the intermission. The handing over of the first copy from Jan-Peter Wissink to Judith Koelemeijer concluded the presentation.
Many congratulations to everyone involved in this book project, an initiative of the Etty Hillesum Research Centre in Middelburg!
You can follow the activies of the Etty Hillesum Research Centre via their website, or their Facebook page.
Photographs by Johan de Voogd
Jan-Peter Wissink
Jeroen van Meyel
Klaas Smelik and Judith Koelemeijer
Klaas Smelik presenting Reading Etty Hillesum in Context
Lotte Bergen presenting Reading Etty Hillesum in Context
Handing of the first copy from Jan-Peter Wissink to Judith Koelemeijer