Two AUP titles included in Choice Reviews Outstanding Academic Title list 2017!

Both titles are a part of the Framing Film series which is dedicated to theoretical and analytical studies in restoration, collection, archival, and exhibition practices in line with the existing archive of EYE Filmmuseum in Amsterdam. The Conscience of Cinema: The Works of Joris Ivens 1912-1989, published in 2016, was also the winner of the Katherine Singer Kovács Book Award, American Society of Cinema and Media 2017, and is the first book to survey the entire career of Joris Ivens, a prolific documentary filmmaker who worked on every continent over the course of seven decades. The book is also available to download in Open Access. Women in the Silent Cinema: Histories of Fame and Fate, published in 2017, offers one of the most comprehensive accounts yet of the place of women in silent film, presenting a careful assessment of the professional itineraries of three women in the Netherlands, France and North America. The book will be published in paperback in Fall 2018 due to its success.
Mark Cummings (Editor & Publisher), in his letter to the successful publishers, writes: 'Constituting about nine percent of the titles reviewed by Choice during the past year, and two percent of the more than 25,000 titles submitted to Choice during the same period, Outstanding Academic Titles are truly the "best of the best."'
A huge congratulations to the authors and all involved in these projects!