Christoph Johann Stettina

Christoph Johann Stettina was born in 1980 in Peiskretscham. Christoph earned a master's degree (German: Diplom-Informatker) in Computer Engineering at FH Dortmund, as well as a master's degree (MA) in Project Management completed at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). Christoph began his professional career in 2004 at Nokia where he worked on mobile phone and automotive connectivity related software systems in Bochum, Germany. After finishing his master's degree in Trondheim, Norway he moved to The Hague, Netherlands where he worked as a project officer and research associate at the Center for Technology and Innovation Management. Currently he works as a project leader, consultant and researcher at the Centre for Innovation @ Leiden University. He is the founder of the Agile for Excellence initiative, helping organizations to excel in research and innovation through agile team based project management methods. With education in computer engineering and project management Christoph has a wide range of experience in management of research and innovation projects with a passion for challenges and technology.
