Leaving Fossil Fuels Underground
Leaving Fossil Fuels Underground
Actors, Arguments and Approaches in the Global South and Global North
€ 124,00 excl. VAT
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15.6 x 23.4 cm
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Foreword and Acknowledgements
1. Leaving Fossil Fuels Underground
2. Analytical framework: Inclusive development, justice and energy transition
3. Socio-environmental movements and LFFU: Framing, tactics and court cases
4. Latin America, Ecuador and social mobilisation for LFFU
5. South Africa and the political economy of fossil fuels: Rationales for LFFU
6. South Africa and social mobilisation for LFFU
7. Finance and LFFU
8. Supply-side and institutional mechanisms for LFFU
9. Phasing out fossil fuels: Synergies and trade-offs

Leaving Fossil Fuels Underground

Actors, Arguments and Approaches in the Global South and Global North

How can societies move away from a century-old global system based on fossil fuels and the deeply vested economic, financial, and political interests and patterns associated with them? Despite thirty years of international climate negotiations, industrialized countries continue to exploit new fossil fuel reserves. Many countries in the Global South have followed suit and still engage in large new fossil fuel projects with all that that entails, including pollution, social injustice, and debt. Increasingly, however, social and political actors are mobilizing to Leave Fossil Fuels Underground (LFFU).

This book examines the roles played by key actors and the arguments and approaches they employ in promoting the rapid phase-out of fossil fuels. Along with local resistance, it also explores policy initiatives, both national and international, and the financial mechanisms used by actors ranging from social movements to investors and from state to nonstate actors.

In Leaving Fossil Fuels Underground, an international team of well-established authors takes a global perspective and pays special attention to Africa and Latin America, with case studies on South Africa and Ecuador.

Joyeeta Gupta

Prof. dr. Joyeeta Gupta: Professor of Environment and Development in the Global South, Department of Geography, Planning and International Development Studies, Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research, University of Amsterdam (UvA), and editor-in-chief of International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics.

Barbara Hogenboom

Prof. dr. Barbara Hogenboom: Professor of Latin American Studies and director of the Centre for Latin American Research and Documentation (CEDLA), Faculty of Humanities, University of Amsterdam (UvA), and managing editor of European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies

Arthur Rempel

Arthur Rempel, MSc: is researcher and PhD candidate in International Development Studies at UvA.

Malin Olofsson

Malin Olofsson, MSc is researcher and PhD candidate in International Development Studies at UvA.