Year of Rembrandt 2019

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Rembrandt. The Painter at Work Revised Edition 2018 / 356pp. / paperback Ernst van de Wetering
"This is a very rich book, a deeply felt analysis of an artist whom the author knows better than almost any other living scholar." - Christopher Brown, Times Literary Supplement!
Rembrandt. The Painter Thinking 2016 / 336pp. / paperback + hardback Ernst van de Wetering
"Our overall view of Rembrandt is now on a new plateau and it is appropriate to salute Ernst van de Wetering for his remarkable achievement." - Burlington Magazine
Adriaen Brouwer. Master of Emotions. Between Rubens and Rembrandt 2018 / 224pp. / hardback Katrien Lichtert (ed.)
This international team of art historians offer in-depth analyses of Brouwer's work. The result is a book that finally does justice to the master of emotions.
Sex, Drugs and Rock 'n' Roll in the Dutch Golden Age 2017 / 172pp. / paperback Benjamin B. Roberts
With his engaging storytelling-style filled with humorous anecdotes, Roberts convincingly shows how deviant male youth behavior is a feature of all ages.
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Rembrandt and his Circle. Insights and Discoveries 2017 / 420pp. / hardback Stephanie Dickey (ed.)
"No serious scholar of Dutch studies can fail to consult this excellent selection of essays edited by Stephanie S. Dickey." - Shelley Perlove, Historians of Netherlandish Art Reviews
Confronting the Golden Age. Imitation and Innovation in Dutch Genre Painting 1680-1750 2015 / 234pp. / hardback Junko Aono
"This groundbreaking study examines the market forces, cultural values, and historical selfconsciousness of painters who reconciled their own artistic identities and production with respect to the genre tradition." - Amy Golahny, Choice Reviews
Open Access
The Universal Art of Samuel van Hoogstraten (1627-1678). Painter, Writer, and Courtier 2013 / 296pp. / hardback Thijs Weststeijn (ed.)
The Visible World: Samuel van Hoogstraten's Art Theory and the Legitimation of Painting in the Dutch Golden Age 2008 / 512pp. / paperback Thijs Weststeijn
Sex and Drugs before Rock 'n' Roll 2012 / 318pp. / paperback Benjamin B. Roberts
In His Milieu: Essays on Netherlandish Art in Memory of John Michael Montias 2007 / 496pp. / paperback Amy Golahny / Mia M. Mochizuki / Lisa Vergara