Writing in Context
Writing in Context
Insular Manuscript Culture 500-1200
€ 44,00
Number of pages
Publication date
14.5 x 19 cm
Table of Contents
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List of Figures and Plates
Writing in Context: Introduction
(Erik Kwakkel)Mercian Manuscripts: The Implications of the Staffordshire Hoard, other Recent Discoveries, and the ‘New Materiality’
(Michelle P. Brown)An Insular Copy of Pliny’s Naturalis historia (Leiden VLF 4 fols 4-33)
(Mary Garrison) A Giant Among Scribes: Colophon and Iconographical Programme in the Eadui Gospels
(Francis Newton) Reading the Unreadable: Lay Literacy and Negotiation of Text in Anglo-Saxon England
(Kathryn A. Lowe) English Manuscripts in the Century after the Norman Conquest: Continuity and Change in the Palaeography of Books and Book Collections
(Teresa Webber) Hidden in Plain Sight: Continental Scribes in Rochester Cathedral Priory, 1075-1150
(Erik Kwakkel) Notes on the Contributors
Colour Plates
Index of Manuscripts
General Index

Reviews and Features

‘This collection represents a very valuable contribution to our understanding of early book history in its most capacious sense.’ Elaine Treharne, Professor of English, Stanford University ‘This is a strong collection of essays. The broad topic of the materiality of Anglo-Saxon and Anglo-Norman manuscripts is capacious enough to happily embrace the diversity on offer here and yet tight enough to give some kind of chronological, geographical, and methodological cohesion. […] All in all, this is an interesting volume that contributes to a burgeoning field of manuscript materiality in relation to medieval studies.’ Jonathan Wilcox, Professor of English, University of Iowa

Erik Kwakkel (ed.)

Writing in Context

Insular Manuscript Culture 500-1200

This book comprises six essays by prominent scholars of medieval Insular manuscripts. The main emphasis is on the physical appearance of books, though writing on and in other objects is also discussed. The essays highlight, in different ways, the tight relationship between the palaeographical and codicological features of manuscripts and the culture in which the objects were produced and used. Extending their expertise to a broad audience interested in the medieval book, the contributors discuss various aspects of written culture, including the development of Insular scripts, book culture in Mercia, the layout of Anglo-Saxon charters, and the transition from Anglo-Saxon to Norman-inspired script and book production.
Contributions by Michelle Brown, David Dumville, Mary Garrison, Kathryn Lowe, Francis Newton and Teresa Webber.

Erik Kwakkel

Erik Kwakkel teaches at Leiden University, where he directs the research project ‘Turning over a New Leaf: Manuscript Innovation in the Twelfth-Century Renaissance’.