Giovanna Fossati, Eye Filmmuseum and University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Leo van Hee, Eye Filmmuseum
Frank Kessler, Utrecht University, the Netherlands
Patricia Pisters, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Dan Streible, New York University, United States
Nanna Verhoeff, Utrecht University, the Netherlands
Richard Abel, University of Michigan, United States
Jane Gaines, Columbia University, United States
Tom Gunning, University of Chicago, United States
Vinzenz Hediger, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
Martin Koerber, Deutsche Kinemathek, Germany
Ann-Sophie Lehmann, Utrecht University, the Netherlands
Charles Musser, Yale University, United States
Julia Noordegraaf, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands
William Uricchio, Massachusetts Institute of Technologu, United States
Linda Williams, University of California at Berkeley, United States
Framing Film is a book series dedicated to theoretical and analytical studies in restoration, collection, archival, and exhibition practices in line with the existing archive of Eye Filmmuseum. With this series, Amsterdam University Press and Eye aim to support the academic research community, as well as practitioners in archive and restoration.
"I applaud this series' effort, because for me the construction of film history has always been a complex matrix of social forces, academic research interest, and archival ability. Just as research queries by film scholars lead to films being prioritized for preservation and restoration, preservation initiatives in the archives also lead to an opening up of new film historical terrain." — Jan-Christpher Horak, UCLA Film & Television Archive