Translingualism, Translation and Caribbean Poetry
Translingualism, Translation and Caribbean Poetry
Mother Tongue Has Crossed the Ocean
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15.6 x 23.4 cm
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Table of Contents
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How to Navigate This Book / Kon Nabega den e Buki aki


Part 1 Introducing the Mother Tongue
Introdukshon di Lenga di Mama

Papiamento and Guene/Gueni: The Importance of Translation and Poetry for the Development and Conservation of Mother Tongue
Papiamentu i Guene/Gueni: E Importansia di Tradukshon i Poesia pa Desaroyo i Konservashon di Lenga di Mama (Hilda de Windt Ayoubi)

Part 2 The Poem “Lenga di Mama” and its Translations, Comments and Language Descriptions
E Poema “Lenga di Mama” i su Tradukshonnan i Komentario i Deskripshon di e Idiomanan (Pieter C. Muysken and Hilda de Windt Ayoubi)

Creole Languages / Idioma Krioyo (Pieter C. Muysken. Jamaican Creole by Matthew Smith)

African and Asian Languages / Idioma Afrikano i Asiatiko (Pieter C. Muysken)

Amerindian Languages / Idioma Amerindio (Pieter C. Muysken)

Constructed Languages / Idioma Konstrui (Herman Deke.nink)

Germanic Languages / Idioma Germaniko (Pieter C. Muysken)

Romance Languages / Idioma Romaniko (Pieter C. Muysken and Hilda de Windt Ayoubi (for Catalan))

Other Indo-European Languages /Otro Idiomanan Indo-Europeo (Pieter C. Muysken)

Other Languages of Europe /Otro idiomanan di Europa (Pieter C. Muysken)

Semitic Languages /Idioma Semitiko (Pieter C. Muysken and Alessandro Mengozzi (for the Aramaic languages and Hebrew))

Part 3 The Poem “E ‘papiá’ di Papiamentu” and its Translations
E Poema “E ‘papiá’ di Papiamentu” i su Tradukshonnan (The Translations and Editing of the Poem Hilda de Windt Ayoubi and Leontine Kuster (for French))

Part 4 The Poem “Papiamentu pa Semper” and its Translations
E Poema “Papiamentu pa Semper” i su Tradukshonnan (The Translations and Editing of the Poem Hilda de Windt Ayoubi and Pieter Muysken (for Dutch))

Part 5 The Poem “Riba Ala di Lenga di Mama” and its Translations
E Poema “Riba Ala di Lenga di Mama” i su Tradukshonnan (The Translations and Editing of the Poem Hilda de Windt Ayoubi, Pieter Muysken (for Dutch), Ingrid Donati (for Italian))

Part 6 Commentary / Komentario

Translation, Language Endangerment and Revitalization, Bilingual Texts
Tradukshon, Peliger pa Perdida di idioma i Revitalisashon di Idioma, Teksto Bilingual (Pieter C. Muysken)

In Memoriam Professor Dr. Pieter C. Muysken / Na Memoria di Profesor Dr. Pieter C. Muysken (Hilda de Windt Ayoubi)

Special Thanks Also / Un Danki Speshal Tambe

Note on the Authors / Informashon tokante e Outornan

Index / Indise

Reviews and Features

"The literary world focuses mainly on dominant European languages, mainly English, and rarely gives space to less spoken languages, certainly not creole languages; That is also why this book is unique in the literary world. Hilda de Windt hopes that this book will also put the cultures and languages of the many translators in the spotlight."
– Herman Deceuninck, Esperanto Magazine

Hilda de Windt Ayoubi, Pieter C. Muysken

Translingualism, Translation and Caribbean Poetry

Mother Tongue Has Crossed the Ocean

Linguists estimate that around 7,000 languages exist, but many are under threat. Translingualism, Translation and Caribbean Poetry is a multi-language collection comprising over fifty translations of the poem 'Lenga di mama' ('Mother Tongue') by Curaçao-born poet Hilda de Windt Ayoubi, published here alongside three additional poems each providing a different perspective on the mother tongue. De Windt Ayoubi's sharp, socially charged poetry has inspired translations from across the world. Collected here for the first time, they serve to protect the native languages and cultures – particularly the minority languages – of their translators, who range from expert linguists to speakers of underrepresented languages. In his accompanying essay, Pieter C. Muysken considers the role of translation in addressing the urgent cultural concern of language loss and revitalization where he discusses bilingual translations and mass translations. Complete with maps, language profiles, interviews with the translators, and the poet’s essay on Papiamento, this collection explores the emotional, cultural and intellectual importance of language conservation through poetry and translation.

Hilda de Windt Ayoubi

Hilda de Windt Ayoubi was born and raised in Curaçao. She was a secondary school teacher and a lecturer at the University of Curaçao. She writes in Dutch, French, English, Papiamento and Spanish. Her works include several translations, and (language-related) poetry books, Gedicht, illustrated with her paintings (2018), and the bilingual book Geef me je Taal (2019). For her Papiamento translation of Kahlil Gibran’s The Prophet (2014), she was awarded the Kahlil Gibran Chair at the University of Maryland. In 2019, she received UNESCO’s Certificate of Merit for her work on Papiamento.

Pieter C. Muysken

Pieter C. Muysken († 2021) was born in Bolivia but grew up in the Netherlands. He was a Professor of Linguistics at the universities of Amsterdam, Leiden, Nijmegen, and Stellenbosch, South Africa. As the winner of the Bernhard Prize, Prix des Ambassadeurs, the Spinoza Prize, and many other awards, he is considered one of the greatest, most diverse linguists of the time. He has over 230 publications to his name and his life-long research on Ecuadorian Quechua culminated in the book El kichwa ecuatoriano: Orígenes, riqueza, contactos (2019).